Rockstead RIN-ZDP (RD) Japanese Button Lock Folding Knife 3.35" ZDP189 Mirror Finish Blade, Red
What's new about this knife is a "hidden clamp system" that allows for smooth up and down movement for unparalleled functionality. Originally designed to eliminate the discomfort often associated with traditional handles, this system provides a seamless grip without the awkward “pinching feel.” Rockstead has secured licensing of the hidden clamp system under the US patent through an agreement with the recognized owner, Mr. Joseph Caswell of Caswell Shanks.
"RIN" means "balanced" in Japanese, adding undue significance to the art of this exceptional cutter.
The handle design of this model is an image of NAGURI wood processing, a traditional Japanese technology. Naguri is used to decorate columns, walls and floors of Japanese houses and other wooden buildings - castles and temples.
With proper use and storage, Rockstead blades are known to retain their edge for up to 3 years.
Rockstead knives come with free finishing and polishing. However, нou are responsible for shipping costs to and from Osaka, Japan.
Handle material: Ebonite Handles with Titanium Liners